Stampede Pour-On Lousicide For Cattle & Sheep (Diflubenzuron)

Stampede Pour-On Lousicide For Cattle And Sheep is an Insect Growth Regulator (IGR) for controlling and treating susceptible biting and sucking lice in cattle and sheep. 

Coopers Stampede Pour-On is an Insect Growth Regulator (IGR) that delivers season-long control of cattle lice. Other lice products may knock down lice for a few weeks, but re-infestation can soon occur. Stampede breaks the louse life cycle for season-long control. Coopers recommends a single treatment in April/May to provide season-long protection through winter.

Active Ingredient: Diflubenzuron @ 20g/L

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Stampede Pour-On Lousicide For Cattle & Sheep (Diflubenzuron) STAMPEDE Coopers Animal Health


Stampede Pour-On Lousicide For Cattle And Sheep

Active Ingredient: Diflubenzuron @ 20g/L

Stampede Pour-On Lousicide For Cattle And Sheep is an Insect Growth Regulator (IGR) for controlling and treating susceptible biting and sucking lice in cattle and sheep.  It is a versatile and easy-to-use IGR pour-on for use on Cattle and Sheep to control and treat diflubenzuron-susceptible biting and sucking lice.

Coopers Stampede is an Insect Growth Regulator (IGR) that delivers season-long control of cattle lice. Other lice products may knock down lice for a few weeks, but re-infestation can soon occur. Stampede breaks the louse life cycle for season-long control. Coopers recommends a single treatment in April/May to provide season-long protection through winter.

What Is Stampede Pour-On?

Stampede is the only cattle lousicide to contain Insect Growth Regulator (IGR) technology.

Stampede is a pour-on formulation containing 20 g/L diflubenzuron, an Insect Growth Regulator (IGR) that prevents lice nymphs from developing, due to its action against the Stampenzyme chitin synthtase.

Stampede Pour-On stays active on the animals for months after treatment reducing the likelihood of retreatment being required during the season.

What are the Indications for Stampede Pour-On;

Cattle: For the treatment of diflubenzuron-susceptible biting lice (Bovicola bovis) and sucking lice (Linognathus vituli, Haematopinus eurysternus and Solenopotes capillatus) of cattle.

Sheep: To control diflubenzuron-susceptible body lice (Bovicola ovis) of shorn sheep up to 7 days off-shears and on unshorn lambs up to 3 months of age.

Why choose Stampede Pour-On;

  • Contains the active ingredient Diflubenzuron. 
  • Stays active for months on the animal, reducing the likelihood of re-treatment being required during the season.
  • Versatile – effective against biting and sucking lice in cattle.
  • Highly effective if used in cattle after the first cold snap in autumn when eggs are likely to be hatching.
  • Control of diflubenzuron susceptible body lice in sheep.
  • Sheep can be treated for up to 7 days off shears.
  • Suitable for use on unshorn lambs up to 3 months and over 10 kg body weight.

Stampede Pour-On Pack Size: 20-Litre

Registrant: Intervet Australia Pty Limited (APVMA #: 65351)

Cattle-Lice Control Range

Sheep-Lice Control Range

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Features & Benefits

  • Contains the active ingredient Diflubenzuron. 
  • Stays active for months on the animal, reducing the likelihood of re-treatment being required during the season.
  • Versatile – effective against biting and sucking lice in cattle.
  • Highly effective if used in cattle after the first cold snap in autumn when eggs are likely to be hatching.
  • Control of diflubenzuron susceptible body lice in sheep.
  • Sheep can be treated up to 7 days off shears.
  • Suitable for use on unshorn lambs up to 3 months and over 10 kg body weight.

Directions Of Use

Dose Rate Cattle:

Under 100kg 25mL
101 – 200kg 40mL
201- 300kg 50mL
301- 400kg 60mL
401 – 500kg 70mL

Over 500kg add 10mL per 100kg

Dosage Guide – Cattle:

  • Dose rate according to the group’s heaviest animal by live weight (cows, bulls, calves, heifers, etc.). 
  • Do not underdose. 
  • Weigh cattle with scales or use a weigh band. 
  • If there is a large variation in weight, draft the mob into two or more mobs based on body weight and dose the animals to the heaviest in each mob.


  • Apply along the midline of the back between the wither and the base of the tail.
  • For better coverage of large cattle (over 500 kg), the calculated dosage may be applied in an ‘I’ shape, with stripes across the shoulders and across the base of the tail, joined by a stripe along the midline of the back between the wither and the base of the tail.
  • Treated and non-treated cattle should be kept separate for 6 to 8 weeks after treatment to reduce the risk of re-infestation.

Dose Rate Sheep:

10 – 20kg 12mL
21 – 30kg 15mL
31 – 55kg 20mL
56 – 75kg 25mL

Over 75kg add 5mL per 10kg

Dosage and Administration:

  • For topical use only. 
  • Using a T-bar applicator, apply along the midline of the back from the poll to the base of the tail. 
  • Do not deviate from the spine.

Dosage Guide – Sheep:

  • Dose rate according to the heaviest animal by live weight in the group (rams, ewes, wethers, lambs, etc.) 
  • Do not underdose. 
  • Weigh with scales. 
  • If there is a large variation in weight, draft the mob into two or more mobs based on body weight and dose the animals to the heaviest in each mob. 
  • Treat all sheep in the mob. 
  • Check the accuracy of the applicator before and during treatment.

Rates are a general guide only.  Before opening, carefully read Stampede Pour-On Lousicide For Cattle And Sheep Directions for Use, Precautionary and Protection Statements, Storage and Disposal, Safety Directions and First Aid Instructions. The product is designed for the particular purpose indicated on the label. Failure to use the product strictly as directed may be illegal, dangerous and render the product ineffective.

Questions and answers from customers

    Can Stampede Pour-On Lousicide For Cattle And Sheep be used to treat horses?

  1. Q Can Stampede Pour-On Lousicide For Cattle And Sheep be used to treat horses?
    Asked by jaimeleigh on November 15, 2023 10:10 am
    Answered by the admin

    Stampede Pour-On Lousicide For Cattle And Sheep is only registered for the control of biting and sucking lice on cattle and sheep. We recommend either Maldison 50 Insecticide or Nucidol 200 EC Insecticide And Acaricide for managing lice on horses. Always read the 'directions for use' carefully to ensure suitability to your situation.

Send me a notification for each new answer.

Disclaimer: This information and product advice is not intended to be advice or recommendations for any specific use or circumstance. You should seek specialist advice before using any product. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Specialist Sales liability is limited.

Host & Pest

Host Pest
Host & Pest
Cattle Cattle Biting Louse, Shortnosed Cattle Louse, Sucking Lice - Linognathus Vituli, Tubercle-bearing Louse
Sheep - Up To 7 Days Off-shears & Lambs Unshorn - Up To 3 Months Old Sheep Body Louse

Tips For Use

When to Use Stampede?

  • Treat cattle for lice around the first cold snap in autumn, when eggs are likely to be hatching.
  • Immature lice larvae present at application and those which hatch from eggs post application are prevented from developing to adults, thus breaking the breeding cycle.
  • Stampede produces a rapid decline in lice numbers over several weeks – it inhibits the development of nymphs and adult lice will take some weeks to die out.
  • Consider treating bulls prior to joining with an additional treatment if necessary.
  • Don’t mix treated animals with untreated (clean) animals for at least 6-8 weeks after treatment to avoid re-infestation.

Restraints – Sheep:

  • Do not use on lactating or pregnant ewes where milk or milk products may be used for human consumption.
  • Do not mix treated sheep with untreated sheep until at least 6 weeks after treatment.
  • Do not apply to wet sheep.
  • Do not use on sheep that have not been cleanly shorn for any reason e.g. Mycotic Dermatitis.

Use in Lambing Ewe Flocks:

Coopers Stampede may be used for lice control in the following situations:

Ewes with lambs at foot (up to 3 months old and greater than 10 kg). 

  • The ewes must be shorn and treated up to 7 days off-shears at the dose rates indicated in the Dosage Table . 
  • If lambing is complete unshorn lambs (not less than 10 kg) should be treated as per the table above. Re-treat lambs (not less than 10 kg) at shearing to ensure ongoing protection against lice.

Pregnant Ewes which have not commenced lambing. 

  • The ewes must be shorn and treated up to 7 days off-shears at the dose rates indicated in the table above. 
  • Ewes should not be treated less than 4 weeks before lambing commences. 
  • Lambs (not less than 10 kg) born to treated ewes should be treated at a convenient time – (eg. lamb marking). 
  • At first shearing lambs (not less than 10 kg) should be treated to ensure ongoing protection against lice.

General Instructions:

  • Treat animals in accordance with good agricultural practices.
  • Animals should not be treated in extremely hot weather (>40oC) or if under heat stress.
  • The efficacy of Coopers Stampede is not affected by moderate rainfall after application.
  • Coopers Stampede does not affect mammals, which do not rely on chitin synthesis in normal body functions.
  • Coopers Stampede contains a yellow dye to identify treated animals. 
  • This dye is scourable from wool. 
  • The product can be detrimental to certain plastics, paints and surface finishes. Avoid contact with such surfaces. 
  • Apply only with suitable applicators and draw-off tubes. 
  • Clean out the applicator using vegetable oil, dismantle it to wipe clean, re-oil with vegetable oil and assemble. 
  • Do not rinse the applicator equipment with water.


  • Store below 30oC (Room Temperature) in the closed, original container in a dry well- ventilated area. Do not store for prolonged periods in direct sunlight.

Safety Directions:

  • It will irritate the eyes and skin. 
  • Avoid contact with eyes and skin. 
  • When using the product, wear elbow-length butyl rubber gloves. 
  • If the product is on the skin, immediately wash the area with soap and water. 
  • After use and before eating, drinking or smoking, wash hands, arms and face thoroughly with soap and water. 
  • After each day’s use, wash your gloves.

Sheep Re-Handling Interval:

  • After treatment, wait until the sheep are dry before rehandling.

First Aid:

  • If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or the Poisons Information Centre. Phone Australia 131126. 
  • If swallowed, do not induce vomiting. 
  • Give a glass of water. 
  • If in eyes, wash out immediately with water.
  • Additional Information is listed in the Safety Data Sheet (SDS).

This information and product advice is not intended as advice or recommendations for any specific use or circumstance. You should seek specialist advice before using any product. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Specialist Sales liability is limited.​

Withholding Period

Withholding Period Details (WHP):

  • Meat (Cattle): Do not use less than 10 days before slaughter for human consumption.
  • Milk (Cattle): Nil
  • Meat (Sheep): Do not use less than 7 days before slaughter for human consumption.
  • Milk (Sheep): Do not use on lactating or pregnant ewes where milk or milk products may be used for human consumption.
  • Wool Harvesting Interval: Do not use less than 6 months before shearing or fibre collection.

Export Slaughter Interval (ESI):

  • Cattle: Do not use less than 10 days before slaughter for export.
  • Sheep: Do not use less than 7 days before slaughter for export.

SDS & Technical

Stampede Pour-On Lousicide For Cattle And Sheep Label (APVMA) Download Pdf
Stampede Pour-On Lousicide For Cattle And Sheep Label Download Pdf
Stampede Pour-On Lousicide For Cattle And Sheep Label SDS Download Pdf
Stampede Pour-On Lousicide For Cattle And Sheep Manual Download Pdf

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